Nightingale Building Traits Explained

Nightingale Building Traits Explained

Since Nightingale is a survival game, building is key to the game’s economy. However, don’t expect a building system like the one you are used to, because here you have to worry about Nightingale Building Traits. In fact, you cannot construct buildings without taking these parameters into account. But what are they exactly? In this article, we will tell you everything you need to know about it.

What Are Nightingale Building Traits?

The first thing we need to address is what it is. Nightingale Building Traits are “skills” that, in some cases, allow your buildings to have totally different functionality. But why does a building have a certain Trait? Building Traits are determined by the environment you build in, the presence of other structures nearby, and their level. In short, there are different things to take into consideration when you decide to build something in Nightingale.

To find out which Nightingale Building Traits are currently active in a specific structure, all you have to do is interact with it. From the menu that opens, you will be able to see which ones are active, so you know what you are getting into. Alternatively, you can also have the same information in the crafting menu. The choice is yours as to how to proceed, there is no difference anyway.

nightingale building traits

All Nightingale Building Traits

  • Exposed
    • Structure is not protected by a shelter
  • Grit
    • Structure is placed on open ground instead of a floor or foundation
  • Soggy
    • Structure is exposed during rainy weather
  • Rest Blocked
    • Structure has the Exposed and Grit traits
  • Comfort
    • Structure is placed near other furnishings, such as storage containers or workstations
  • Sheltered
    • Structure is protected from the elements by a shelter
  • Well List
    • Structure is placed near a light source, such as a sconce
  • Warm
    • Structure is placed near a heat source, such as a campfire
  • Artisan
    • Artisan Card is in effect

Nightingale Building Traits Explained

Diana has been a huge fan of video games since she was a child. She started her “career” with Nintendo and then moved on to other platforms as well. She is a computer engineering student. She is passionate about everything related to the gaming industry and writes for various websites in the sector. Although she is a big fan of horror games, she plays almost all genres fearlessly.

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