Capricorn Tarot Horoscopes: September 2023

Capricorn Tarot Horoscopes: September 2023

Are you ready to step into your power this year, Capricorn? Your monthly tarotscopes—or tarot horoscopes, a combination of tarot cards and astrology—can help you shift your perspective and make the changes necessary for growth. You’ve got this. And your tarot horoscopes are here to help.

Read on to see what’s in store for your sign in 2023 with your monthly tarot horoscope, Capricorn. And if you’d like more guidance, check out Glamour’s weekly horoscopes or consult the other zodiac signs’ monthly tarotscope.

Meghan Rose is an astrologer, tarot reader, and writer based out of Los Angeles whose work bridges the magical and the material to create real change. Rose acts as a guide for her clients to help them navigate relationships, career, and everything in between. Learn more at and follow her on Tiktok, Instagram, and Twitter.

September 2023

Six of Pentacles: Capricorn, with so many amazing things and people in your life right now, I see you needing to use September to find a balance for how to juggle all of this energy. Others are flocking to you, and for good reason: It seems you have started to align with your destiny and implement many of your lessons. This month will be your first opportunity to live in the plateau of greatness rather than clawing your way up to get here. It may feel unnatural, but I promise you there is something beautiful about saving yourself the hassle of adjusting and stressing when it’s not necessary.

Think about who you can call upon during this time to help you find your footing in this new phase of your life. Mentors, teachers, inspirational friends, and colleagues can be great resources for helping you jump ten steps ahead rather than struggling and suffering through the same things that your community have already gone through and learned from. Don’t be afraid to be a student to life again, my sea goats.

August 2023

Two of Cups: Capricorn, it seems you’re being blessed with new opportunities to deepen your connections with the right people this month. The Two of Cups is a positive and blessed message from your guides to remind you that the people, opportunities, and dynamics that you are wishing for all exist and simply need your patience as they come to fruition. You are not stuck; you are just in a short holding pattern while the universe delivers the best possible outcome to you.

So instead of focusing on past situations that haven’t worked in your favor, you have to surrender deeply to the belief that better days lie ahead for you. With the Two of Cups, I see situations where you feel deeply loved and understood by others happening in August. If you are looking for love, you won’t have to search much longer, Capricorn! And if you are already in a relationship, I see a new step arriving for you two this month.

July 2023

Seven of Cups: Capricorn, you are diving into a world that is full of opportunities in the month of July, and my only advice is to have discernment. You don’t need to force the right things into happening, and you also don’t need to feel pressured into situations that are truly meant for you.

Instead, this month you’ll have a chance to lean into your intuition and allow yourself to feel excited, happy, and in alignment with the choices you are making from the get-go. This doesn’t mean that those old patterns of stressing out before you take big leaps of faith is going to be completely wiped away. But try to breathe through discomfort so you can see clearly whether you are feeling scared or excited. I promise you that the feeling of excitement is one you’ll become more and more familiar with over the next few months as life starts to gear up in your favor. Get yourself used to good things happening for you so that when more abundant opportunities and experiences come your way you won’t toss them out or deny them. You deserve this, Cap.

June 2023

The Empress: Dearest Cap, what if you stopped trying so hard to impress others and simply allowed yourself to be seen and accepted for who you are? That’s the question that the month of June is asking. And guess what? The first way to let your guard down is to say, “I’m not sure that I have the answer to that question yet, but I’ll get back to you when I do.” Life has a funny way of making us think that we have to be on the go 24/7, but this month is going to grant you the opportunity to be vulnerable and ask for help from those closest to you. You may even reach out to seek new forms of support (like a therapist, an acupuncturist, a chiropractor, or a support group). Whoever and whatever, this new line of support has the potential to change your life drastically by the time that the month is over.

I want to remind you that seeking help does not signify weakness, very much the opposite. Seeking help is one of the bravest and most empowering things that you can do for yourself. So take your time to find the right ways and safest spaces to let yourself unfold. Once you let go of that tense jaw and stiff shoulders and finally allow yourself to release, you may realize that the only person who was suffering while you were holding yourself to those high standards was you, and that no one else was actually benefiting from you ignoring yourself and your needs. Now is the time to put you first, Cap.

May 2023

Ace of Wands: Cap, I see you kicking your passions into overdrive in May—and everyone else is about to notice. Remember, the whole point of following through with your to-do list or chasing your goals is not simply for the money or the recognition, but to truly bring you a sense of inner peace as you align with your higher calling. So if you’ve been feeling like you’re going through the motions with work, you will rediscover why you’re doing what you’re doing. Even if the role you have is something temporary, there is always a lesson to be learned.

Still, try taking time away from work to learn new hobbies or take on skill-building activities. The Ace of Wands signifies a chapter of your life where you put your passions first above all else. Work is not meant to be the only angle of your personality, so let’s take some pressure off of how well (or not well) work is going for you this month to rediscover who you are outside of your job and title. Try something new using your hands, getting out in nature, or leaving your comfort zone. This might mean a new exercise class, gardening, working with clay, or even integrating a few things you feel excited about into your daily routine. Whatever it is, let May be all play and very little work.

April 2023

Eight of Wands: Dearest Cap, with the Eight of Wands showing up for you this month, just know that it looks as though there are adventures to be had and memories to be made! I see you connecting with others and feeling like you’re on fire. That means cracking jokes with perfect timing, flirting with just enough coyness, or networking with perfect execution. It’s not that you’re typically off of your A-game, but this month allows you to be just a notch better than you’ve ever experienced. It seems that you’re finally ready to release all of these unrealistic expectations from yourself and those around you so you can finally find peace in the present moment. Without all of these imaginary goal posts sitting miles away from you, you can finally spend time celebrating what life has given to you. So start each day with a list of gratitude and end each day with a sigh of relief. Allow yourself to rewire your brain so you can enjoy what’s in front of you from here on out.

If you’re feeling like you want to go through a total life overhaul—like a break-up, a friend upheaval, quitting your job, and packing your bags all at the same time—you would do better to sit in the discomfort and realize that certain aspects of your life are maybe not so bad. This perspective shift can help you help others at some point too. All of your struggles are not simply meant to punish you—sometimes they act as opportunities for others to show up and support you and put you in the role of the receiver…something that may not come so easily to you.

March 2023

Death: Cap, the Death card is not an omen of physical death; it more often represents the release of our cocoon that we’ve been tightly wrapped in, and it signals to us that we’re finally ready to fly. You are ready to fly now, Capricorn! Hit the switch on that decision you’ve been sitting on, and know that whether it goes according to your plan or not, you will benefit from knowing where you stand with the world around you more from taking action than you would from sitting, wondering, waiting, and wishing.

This is your time to shine, and it seems the first step to ensuring your success will be making sure you have your support systems in place. Check in with yourself: Do you need more community? Do you need mental health resources? Do you need more time in reflection? These things will crack your walls and bring your defenses down so quickly that when you get the opportunity to fly out of that cocoon, you are going to be so present and grateful that the wait will finally feel worthwhile. Love, money, happiness, freedom—they are all just a leap of faith away. This month marks the turning point for you, Cap.

February 2023

Two of Swords: Capricorn, you are standing at a crossroads, and it looks as though you might be making this much more complicated than it needs to be. If you find yourself wishing for a certain outcome in this coin toss that is life, you’ll benefit from taking steps (big or small) in the direction you are hoping for. If you have been feeling “checked out” from work, or it seems as if the biggest and best parts of your life are behind you, you have to be willing to do the unthinkable in order to reignite that spark of passion and bring a sense of fierce pursuit back into the equation.

If you’re struggling with your energy levels, you will benefit from hobbies like meditation, sewing, sudoku, ceramics, or writing. Doing something that connects your mind and body through the use of fine motor skills will help you to massage that overactive brain of yours. Even as an earth sign, you have a tendency to let your head drift off into the clouds, so now is the time to unplug and become more present. Who knows, these fun new hobbies may even become daily nonnegotiables for you going forward.

January 2023

Three of Swords: Dearest Cap, you may be experiencing a sense of loss this month. This doesn’t mean death or unemployment—it could be something as simple as feeling like you don’t recognize yourself at this point in your life. I sense a shift happening under the surface, and it’s going to take a big push on your end in order to get through this chapter. Ask others for help as you navigate these murky waters. Also ask yourself, “If I stop for a moment and figure out where I actually want to end up, would I still be going this same direction?” If the answer is no, January will act as the perfect pivotal moment for you to change directions and go toward your eventual goals.

For some of you, it would be in your best interest to ask others for clarity in your relationships. If you are unhappy with the stagnation or distance you’ve been feeling from some of the people around you, take this opportunity to have a sit-down chat with them. Something as simple as having a check-in would do you both well. Figure out if you are still working toward the same goals with your lover, friends, or business colleagues as a new year begins. There’s nothing better than the fresh start of a new year to help have these conversations with those closest to you!

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