19 Things We Know For A Fact Are True, But Our Teeny Tiny Brains Just Cannot Comprehend Them

19 Things We Know For A Fact Are True, But Our Teeny Tiny Brains Just Cannot Comprehend Them

19 Things We Know For A Fact Are True, But Our Teeny Tiny Brains Just Cannot Comprehend Them

Sorry, but you can’t convince me that how record players work is anything other than pure magic.

You know that feeling when you ~technically~ know something is true, but it feels so out of your scope of understanding, you never really think too hard about it? And when you do…you feel like you’re on the verge of a full-blown existential crisis because WHAT?? Is that just me???

Recently, redditor u/BubblegumCrocodile inquired about those exact kinds of things, asking “What’s something you know is real/proven but still can’t wrap your head around it?” Here are 19 of the most popular, mind-boggling things they shared:


“How thin Earth’s crust and atmosphere are. That we are so relatively close to plunging into a fiery hell of molten rock or being sucked into the vacuum of space.”


“Bluetooth. You’re telling me we start out with rocks and shit and somehow I can hear music from my phone on my headphones without them being connected?”


“That I’m closer to being a millionaire than Jeff Bezos!”


“That we are closer to when the Tyrannosaurus Rex lived than it is to the Stegosaurus. The concept of millions upon millions of years is just unfathomable to me.”


“That there are more trees on Earth than stars in the Milky Way.”


“How vinyl records work. Not only do they work, but somehow, someone figured out how to do it. What do you mean you pressed some squiggles into plastic and now it makes music when you run a needle across it? Makes absolutely no sense.”


“That our bodies are made up of trillions of cells and microbes that replicate and build the construction that is ‘us.’ We do not control them directly in any capacity, but they are a part of us without being us. Yet, they live their own ‘life’ in there, ever tirelessly building, repairing, and filtering.”


“That airplanes can fly. I’ve been in one and everything lots of times, but they’re just so big and heavy. I feel like it should take a rocket engine or something.”


“That sharks are older than trees, the rings of Saturn, and Polaris.”


“That we’ve cloned a sheep. I barely have a solid internet connection, and yet we’ve cloned a sheep. Make it make sense, people!”


“That the tides are due to the moon.”


“Dark matter and dark energy. It encompasses 95% of the universe, and we have no idea what it is. We can’t even see it. We just know it’s there.”


“It’s pretty wild that the light you see from the sun is around eight minutes younger than the sun actually is.”


“The feeling of déjà vu.”


“That gravity impacts the flow of time.”


“Wi-Fi. It’s everywhere all of the time, and data is all over the place, but things don’t get jumbled up. WTF? At any given time, there are about 10 devices using Wi-Fi in my house and probably every house on the street, and it all just works. My stuff isn’t accidentally appearing elsewhere, but if I want to, I can make a bunch of different devices immediately start playing the same song at the same time.”


“The number of people in the world. You’re telling me there’s almost EIGHT BILLION people?? And they all have their own lives, names, birthdays, friends, feelings, language, looks, inside jokes, problems, victories, challenges, etc?? I have a hard time with realizing the person I see walking on the street has a life just as complex as mine, if not more so…now times that by eight billion??”


“Death. I just can’t wrap my head around the fact that I will be gone forever one day.”


And finally, “The fact that everything we’ve made today was always possible to make. The same rules of the universe have always applied, and we have the same materials as people before us did. Gets me wondering what’s still possible with the stuff we have that we don’t have the slightest idea about.”

Now it’s your turn! Is there something you know for a fact is real/true but simply cannot make your brain comprehend? If so, tell us about it in the comments below!

Note: Submissions have been edited for length and clarity.

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